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Entries tagged with “Piracy”
70 days held hostage by pirates
Change in piracy threats in Indian Ocean prompts re-think of High Risk Area
Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia holds 21st plenary in Nairobi
Crew kidnappings surge in seas off West Africa, IMB reports
Gulf of Guinea records highest ever number of crew kidnapped in 2020, according to IMB’s annual piracy report
Gulf of Guinea remains world’s piracy hotspot in 2021, according to IMB’s latest figures
IMB piracy report 2018: attacks multiply in the Gulf of Guinea
ISWAN arranges urgent medical support for seafarer held captive by pirates
ISWAN delivers training on piracy awareness in Chennai
ISWAN India’s Programme Steering Group meets in Mumbai
ISWAN joins CGPCS strategic meeting held in Copenhagen
ISWAN presents at United Nations meeting on maritime crime
ISWAN welcomes release of Iranian hostages by Somali pirates after years in captivity
Maritime piracy incidents down in Q1 2019 but kidnapping risk in Gulf of Guinea persists
MV Albedo piracy survivor returns to sea
New approach needed to combat maritime threats
New IMB report shows persistent piracy risk in Gulf of Guinea
Piracy and armed robbery a threat to ships' crews, warns IMB
Piracy and armed robbery incidents at lowest level in 27 years, but risks remain to seafarers, IMB cautions
Piracy and armed robbery incidents at lowest level in decades, but IMB cautions against complacency
Piracy survivors helped to rebuild after years in captivity
Pirate attacks worsen in Gulf of Guinea
Pirates are kidnapping more seafarers off West Africa, IMB reports
Record‐low hijackings yet danger persists in Gulf of Guinea
Seafarer receives support from ISWAN after piracy attack
State of Maritime Piracy 2019 marks the tenth year of assessing the human cost of maritime piracy
Support after trauma
Sustained efforts needed as global piracy incidents hit lowest levels in decades
Taiwan again donates to Piracy Survivor Family Fund
Talking Point: Innocent seafarers caught in vulnerable socio-economic-political climate of Gulf of Guinea region
Unprecedented number of crew kidnappings in the Gulf of Guinea despite drop in overall global numbers
Urgent regional cooperation needed to tackle rising piracy attacks in Gulf of Guinea
Welfare organisations raise serious concern on safety and wellbeing of seafarers transiting through the Gulf of Guinea
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