Pronav was founded in 1995 in Hamburg, Germany and is a highly specialized third-party ship and crew manager operating large LNG carriers for ship owners. In 2018, Pronav became a member of the Schulte Group and BSM. Pronav also provides experienced, highly qualified LNG crew complements in addition to its specialized technical LNG ship management services.
Pronav’s Culture is defined by an assembly of policies, procedures, processes, practices and attributes embedded within the organisation and its employees. The overriding priority is to protect the safety of people (human life), the environment and the asset that we have been entrusted with. Specific objectives designed to support the Safety Culture are promoted and actively lived.
At Pronav, we value honesty, integrity, loyalty, and respect for people. We want to maintain a safe workplace and our strong transparent and ethical operations while striving to meet the highest standards.
The company maintains a diverse workforce of individuals with varying backgrounds, experiences and approaches that empowers continuous improvement of our services and the effectiveness of our business. The knowledge and the commitment of our employees are the most significant contribution to our success.
Pronav commits to non-discrimination of individuals based on race, color, gender, marital status, gender identity, origin or nationality, age, religion, or sexual orientation.
Pronav respects the dignity and the individuality of every employee. Interactions at work are to be conducted with mutual respect, fairness, and openness. Behaviors which are humiliating, intimidating or hostile are not to be tolerated.
Awareness and understanding of cultural sensitivities are also very important for a working environment that is free from any form of harassment and violence.
The Company has the following high-level statement and policies: