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TURTLE is the leading marketplace for fair, diverse, and transparent maritime recruitment of seafarers and shipping companies, ensuring compliance with MLC 2006.

Using technology, TURTLE ensures that seafarers and shipping companies meet directly, on equal footing, traceable at all times, and of course in compliance with the MLC 2006. We are the solution to enable seafarers to have a fair and self-determined recruitment process and provide shipping companies with direct and clean recruitment opportunities for verified seafarer profiles from all over the world, that pay into their diversity strategy. TURTLE's headquarter is in Hamburg, Germany and we have offices in Munich, Germany, and Gdynia, Poland. Our team of 24 employees is based in Germany, Poland, Kenya, and Pakistan. Our company values are: - Diversity: TURTLE embraces and respects different mindsets and cultures. Everyone shall have the same chance. We appreciate different perspectives, leading to the best results - Rebellion: We fight for human sustainability. We don’t believe that all from the past is proven and good. We are inventing the future of global maritime recruitment - Trust: You can rely on TURTLE. We keep data, opinions, and information confidential. We are true to our word. We act in your interest. We take care of you - Quality: TURTLE is thought-through, reliable, and performing. We are professional and treat everyone with respect: always - Power: TURTLE leverages the combined voices to empower every individual. We are changing the industry for the better

Visit TURTLE GmbH at their website

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