The Standard Club is a specialist marine and energy insurer and member of the International Group of Protection and Indemnity clubs
The Standard Club is a specialist marine and energy insurer and member of the International Group of Protection and Indemnity clubs owned by its shipowner members and controlled by a board of directors drawn from the membership.
The club’s four strategic objectives
The club’s LP department is a multi-disciplinary team which was established in 1989 and has continually evolved in order to meet the needs of members in an ever changing maritime industry. The team includes master mariners, naval architects, ship production engineers and specialist surveyors. This unique mix of skills enables the LP team to meet the routine needs of the club and the more bespoke needs of individual members.
The objective of the department is to:
The loss prevention team achieves this through:
1. Publications and safety initiatives;
2. Risk assessment programme;
3. Safety and Loss Advisory Committee;
4. Daily interaction with underwriting and claims departments.